Saturday, 16 March 2013

taxi driver tales

1.Vomit mania you will be surprised at how much throw up the inside of most cabs have seen courtesy of party-goers and drunk karoke-loving uncles.Once someone throws up, they have to call it a night and head over to the service centre to get their taxi cleaned.Not only do they lose their income of the day, the $40 bill has to be personally footed by them. 2.Run always More often than not,taxi drivers have to deal with passengers who take flight the moment they arrive at their destination.Taxi drivers can either give chase or call it a loos,with neither option being more appealing than the other.Several cabbies mentioned one paticular expat lady notorius within their circles.According to them,sometimes it is the one whom you least expect who ends up pulling a fast one. 3.Rain,rain go away ever wondered why there are never any taxis on the road every time it rains?well,the reason is because most cabbies choose to take a break during a thunder storm.Although inconvenient for stranded passengers,there is a higher chnce of getting into an accident when it rains s o most drivers choose not to risk it. 4.NETS it. ever come across cabbies who tell you their machine is not working and that they only accept cash?Some of theses drivers need fast cash and d o not want to wait the day or two for the NETS or credit card payment to come through.Others a re relief drivers and want to take home cash instead of having to wait for the main driver to pay them waht they earned.So stand your ground if you see a machine in the car.

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